The Small Machine Talks – Episode 63
Amanda Earl interviews Dani Spinosa
Recorded on July 29, 2020 via Zoom
Dani Spinosa is a poet of digital and print media, an on-again-off-again precarious professor, the managing editor of Electronic Literature Directory, a co-founding editor of Gap Riot Press, and the author of Anarchists in the Academy: Machines and Free Readers in Experimental Poetry. She can be found online at https://genericpronoun.com/ and in person in Toronto.
We spoke about OO: Typewriter Poems, femmeship, overcoming the voice that says we have to be serious to be good, citations and name dropping as a feminist act, the “have you read” test, Kanada Koncrete, spider bites and omens, the latest titles from Gap Riot Press, women’s friendships, how great M. NourbeSe Philip’s Zong is, the typewriter as a male concrete poetry tradition and an object of women’s labour, a feminized work place, reading visual poetry over wine and more., the reclamation of “stupid” or “silly” with love, the perpetuation of the erasure of women in the canon via anthologies and scholarship, the importance of looking back and carving out spaces for women in the visual poetry community, new advances in digital vispo, the Vispo Bible and Photoshop. It was a great conversation.
OO: Typewriter Poems (Invisible Publishing, 2020)
Electronic Literature Directory
Penteract Poetry Podcast – Dani and Kate Siklosi will be featured soon!
No Press, includes chapbooks by Dani
Petition: Abolish cash bail in the criminal justice system
Thanks to Dani for being on the show, to Charles Earl for processing, to Jennifer Pederson for intros and outros and to all of you for listening and sharing the episode.
Stay tuned for future episodes featuring Sachiko Murakami and James Lindsay in August and September, and other unforeseen shenanigans.