Episode 53: The Small Machine Talks
with a.m. kozak and Amanda Earl
Interview with Ellen Chang-Richardson
Recorded on Sunday, December 8, 2019, 2pm
Ellen Chang-Richardson is an emerging poet, writer and copyeditor based in Ottawa & Toronto. Recipient of the 2019 Vallum Award for Poetry, her work has appeared or is forthcoming in publications such as Ricepaper Magazine, my (small press) writing day, the Lit Mag Love Anthology 1: Blood & Water, Coven Editions: Grimoire and the Hart House Review. Ellen is the founder of Little Birds Poetry, an editing workshop for poets and creative writers. Her first chapbook, Unlucky Fours, is forthcoming this spring with Anstruther Press.
We talk with Ellen Chang-Richardson about her poetry and Little Birds Poetry, the editing process, format, guiding principles, working on paper vs digital, strategies on dealing with uncomfortable situations, plans for future workshops and how editing others work contributes to her own writing.
Meltwater Basin in LitMag Love’s Blood and Water
anthology (pp123-125 https://www.litmaglove.com/anthology/ ) and
Ricepaper Magazine
thanks to Charles Earl (processing), Ellen, a.m. kozak, Jennifer Pederson (intro/outro composer) and all of you for listening and sharing the podcast.
Have a good end of 2019 and a happy new year!